Tag: video

For an Elevated Thai Experience, go ‘Kiin’

From owners of Toronto’s most beloved Pai, Chef Nuit & Jeff Regular have unveiled their newest addition to their line of Thai restaurants: Kiin. In Thai, ‘Kiin’ means eat! And eat, I will. Except for the unique fresh-flown produce from Thailand, you will not find any dishes similar to Pai. Instead, Kiin’s menu revolves…

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Let’s Eat: Persimon Tapas, 3 Ways

As the weather gets chillier, it’s prime time to grab a box of Persimons. Through mid-October to December, these orange gems are the perfect way to sweeten a meal or enjoy on it’s own. Persimmons come in many assortments. The stump tomato-shaped and large leafed one we are all familiar of sighting is…

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