If I could choose one dish to eat for the rest of my life, it would be bánh bột lọc . Banh bot loc is tapioca starch and caramelized pork & shrimp, traditionally folded into a banana leaf and steamed, taking in all of that aroma. Traditionally made, these chewy, glutinous glories are…
Tag: how to make
The Only Roasted Garlic Tomato Pasta Recipe You Need
Let’s Make: Roasted Garlic Tomato SauceFor 8 – Recipe from the kitchen of Chef Jonathan Collins Ingredients 3L Fresh or Canned Roma Tomatoes – rinsed, stemmed and fine dice3tbsp Tomato Paste1 cup Carrots – peeled, trimmed and fine dice1 cup Celery – peeled, trimmed and fine dice1 cup Yellow Onion – trimmed, peeled and…